Achieve & report impact

to achieve social impact and to report on it

Sustainability Strategy

Strengthen strategic positioning as a sustainable and future-proof organization


NaDiVeG/NFI/CSRD/ESG-compliant according to common standards GRI, Common Good Balance Sheet, EMAS, SDG with the ESG Cockpit or Impact Compass module

Impact Workshops

plan & implement projects in an impact-oriented manner, implement ideas and act in an entrepreneurial manner

Events with impact

Moderation & keynotes for events

Our approach

Our work is guided by the Impact Thinking approach, the Common Good values, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  1. Impact Thinking

We work impact-oriented according to the Impact Thinking approach. Our focus is on the impact of your economic activity. This is reflected in the changes that take place in target groups or in society as a result of your economic activity. Visionary and impact-oriented companies that make a positive difference in their environment or even in the world have a meaningful effect.

2. Common good values

We are convinced that it is possible to be economically successful in a humane, fair, ecologically sustainable, transparent and democratic way at the same time. We develop ways and solutions for your organization to operate sustainably and successfully.

3. UN-Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted in a participatory process by all countries of the world. These 17 Sustainable Development Goals, also known as SDGs or Global Goals, are the current world goals. They are to be achieved by 2030. The SDGs therefore affect every company and all people. Consistently incorporating the SDGs into corporate planning helps to understand the challenges of current and potential customers as well as other touch groups and to offer effective solutions.

Your advantage

  • create a distinctive market position through innovative, creative and impact-oriented solutions
  • operate impact-oriented with your business and show it
  • be able to assess the impact of your previous activities
  • create ideas for new impactful products/services
  • digital tools that easily and conveniently support strategy development and reporting


Impact Check

compact introduction to the topic of sustainability

Impact Thinking e-Learning

Learn impact orientation independent of location and time and immediately put it into practice

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